Wednesday, January 26, 2011

RTW: Which Book Universe?

YA Highway hosts Road Trip Wednesday every Wednesday, with a new question every week. This week's question is:

If you could live within the universe of one book, which would you choose?

Harry Potter. Of course. What self-respecting kid-lit reader wouldn't give almost ANYTHING to go to Hogwarts, to play Quidditch, to cast magic spells? Really, if I had one wish in all the world, I would wish for the Harry Potter universe.


  1. Great choice-- there's a reason it's so popular and universally loved!

  2. You'd be in good company, since just about everyone else picked HP too! I picked Charlie and the Chocolate Factory--with a caveat.

  3. I agree, that'd be a blast. I'd try out for quidditch. :)

    I picked Anna and the French Kiss. Because, um, Paris!

  4. Oooooh, I just got Anna and the French Kiss in the mail today!!! So excited!

  5. Harry Potter. Agreed. Post Voldemort era preferred.

  6. and you have done an awesome job...your cool kids must know what the heck they are

    Harry potter is a good one....I mean Alan Rickman as Snape.....Oh Prof. I need help with my potions down in your dark dungeony private Flying might be good but I know what my major would be...

  7. Post-Voldemort, definitely! That would be great, everyone would be so jolly and optimistic!

    Oh, Alan Rickman, how I love thee... even though thou art 64. Holy crap.
