Thursday, December 16, 2010

Book Blogger Hop!

Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop is a meme hosted by Jen at Crazy for Books.

The question today is:

What do you consider most important in a story: the plot or the characters?

My answer: Definitely the characters! If the characters are lacking, the plot will be, too. Although you can't have a plotless book either. I define plot as "what happens to the characters," so basically as long as you have characters you're going to have plot... but I digress! Stellar characters are most important!


  1. I agree! Characters are super important. The two elements kind of go hand in hand really. But if I don't like the characters then I won't like the book very much no matter how good the plot is. :)

    Julia @ That Hapa Chick

  2. Exactly! Great characters can make up for a lacklustre plot, but not vice versa!

  3. HI new follower, yes I am kinda on the fence - good plot /good characters make a good book usually .

    My Follow Friday/Book Blogger Hop

  4. Just popping in via the hop to say hi! It's characters for me too, I have to be invested in them or I can't move forward with the plot. Glad to be a new follower here and I hope you have a great weekend!

    Jenny of Supernatural Snark

  5. Popping over from the hop. I vote for characters too. I can't care about what's happening unless I care about the people doing it!
    (Hope your history exam went well!)
    Susan from ReadingWorld.

  6. My history exam was actually great, thanks Susan :P

  7. This might be the best Book Blogger Hop question I've seen to date.

    So what's the answer? Plot! Hop over to my blog and let me tell you how a good plot rescued bad characters from bad book oblivion.

    Howard Sherman

  8. Me too. I prefer characters over plot. But both are important. I'm a new follower. Happy Blog Hop.
